DPC-GSSF Lone Star Classic Match


This Glock match in Dallas, the 29th edition, is scheduled for the weekend of October 28th and 29th at Dallas Pistol Club. It is the longest running GSSF match in Texas and the biggest, too! We are excited for everyone to see the many upgrades made at our club over the last year. In 2022, a record 32 guns were awarded with 24 to competitors (for performance, for 1st time shooters, and at random) and 8 more presented to our volunteers (based on a drawing where working more 4-hour shifts improves your odds). Note: The DPC GSSF Match Directors and DPC Board of Directors are NOT eligible to win the volunteer raffle.  This two-day GLOCK Sport Shooting Foundation (GSSF®) event brings participants from all over Texas and beyond.  New, intermediate, and experienced shooters are welcomed, with special prize categories for women, juniors, seniors, high seniors, challenged (physically handicapped), and law enforcement (Guardian) competitors.

For First Timers:

For those of you that are new to GSSF matches, be aware this is a “come and go” competition and is all shot from low-ready.  It is an excellent first match for new shooters and very welcoming. You can register and shoot one gun, then be done in as little as 2 hours.  Come out, see our largest match of the year in action, and enjoy the friendly environment one morning or afternoon!

And be aware a Glock Factory Armorer will be on hand to quickly diagnose any gun issues and get them repaired with any necessary parts at no charge.

Stage info:

There are three GSSF® stages of fire, each with up to 5 shooting lanes, to maximize match throughput and quickly move shooters through the match.  Both paper and steel targets are used.

The three GSSF® stages of fire are:

Prizes include: cash, merchandise, and Certificates for GLOCK pistols. These prizes are awarded based on performance, by division and/or special category, and also at random.  All competitors are eligible to win!  32 pistols were awarded to competitors and volunteers at 2022 match. The match is open to the public, including juniors with a parent or guardian.


Dallas Pistol Club operates a "Cold" range (NO LOADED GUNS) and that includes during this GSSF® match. *The handling of firearms is only allowed in one of the 2 "Safe Areas" or in the shooter’s box on the firing line.  Note: Ammo is NOT permitted to be handled in the 2 safe areas. Your car, car trunk, or pickup truck bed is NOT a Safe Area!

Please keep your UNLOADED firearm securely bagged, cased, boxed, or (holstered with the slide locked back) according to GSSF® Match Rules, except when in the two DPC designated safe areas or in the shooter’s box under the direct supervision of an RSO.

Volunteers – Please Signup Today!

To make this match a success, volunteers are needed for Stage Managers, Range Officers, Scorekeepers, Match Logistics, and Administrative Staffing.  Volunteers do not have to be Dallas Pistol Club members, or even own a GLOCK pistol. Volunteers receive GLOCK merchandise, based on shifts worked, and are also entered into a special “volunteer only drawing” for multiple GLOCK pistol certificates awarded at the end of the match after tear down.  In 2022, at this match, 8 pistols were awarded to our volunteers. Lunch, snacks, and bottled water are also provided each day for all volunteers.  Nobody values and treats their volunteers better than the GSSF® and the DPC!

To sign up to volunteer at this match, please follow the link below: Click Here

Required Equipment:

  • GLOCK pistol(s) – The use of stock GLOCK firearms is mandated in all divisions except for the Unlimited division.  Review the GSSF® Match Rules for divisions and the respective pistol models/modifications permitted.  Random inspections may occur at GSSF® matches.
  • Magazines Needed – A minimum of 4 are recommended, but a friend can help load while you're shooting.
  • Ammunition - 150 rounds are recommended per division
  • Range bag, case, box and holster if desired (See Safety above for holstering)

Match Dates

The 2023 GSSF® Lone Star Classic is scheduled for Saturday, October 28th & Sunday, October 29th, starting at 9:00 AM each day.  Registration may be done at GSSF's website online prior to the match or you may register at the door.  Registration closes at 2:00PM both days.  Squad times are not pre-assigned. You are free to shoot on Saturday and/or Sunday, until all of your division entries are complete. For those of you that are new to GSSF matches, be aware this is a “come and go” competition and is all shot from low-ready. It is an excellent first match for new shooters and very welcoming. You can register and shoot one gun, then be done in as little as 2 hours. Come out, see our largest match of the year in action, and enjoy the friendly environment one morning or afternoon!

Your scores will be published on Glock's Website within a few days.  After everyone has a chance to review them for a few weeks and request any corrections, prizes will be determined and posted on that website.  At that point, the prizes are mailed to you.

Practice Match

Please note a DPC GLOCK practice match will be held on Saturday, September 30th at 8:30AM.  Online registration will be made through PractiScore and open two weeks prior to the match date, or you can register that morning by 8:30AM.  This warm-up match provides new shooters with the opportunity to experience first-hand the GSSF® match stages, while offering experienced competitors the ability to refresh their skills.  Lastly, be aware that you may use any brand of pistol at this practice match.

Additional Information

More information can be found at:

GSSF's website

GSSF® Match Rules

Membership in GSSF® is required for match competitors.  A one-year individual membership is $35. Each division’s match entry fee is $30.

Don’t wait, sign up to compete and/or volunteer today!

Any Questions: 

Please call 972-897-8108 (Leave a message for a return call) or email the Glock Match Team: [email protected]


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